Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Preface Chapter 1: Axis Prisoners in the U.S.
Chapter 2: The Day the Earth Stood Still: Bringing German POWs into the Bluegrass State 1
Chapter 3: Working for the Enemy?: German POW Labor in Kentucky
Chapter 4: Sowing the Seeds of Democracy: The Trials, Tribulations, and Effectiveness
of the POW Labor Program
Chapter 5: Werewolves in the Eagles Nest: Nazis and Anti-Nazis at Camp Campbell
Chapter 6: Holes in the Barbed Wire: Escapes and Escapees
Chapter 7: Entertaining the Afrika Korps in Kentucky: Camp Life of German POWs
Chapter 8: Y’all Come Back: Concluding the Program
Photo Appendix